Monday, July 25, 2016

The Onions Have Punished Us!

Week 1 of volunteer work over!


It was actually pretty awesome! We've had an explosion of people ask us for service or help in some way, which is super fun. Lots of yard weeding and helping people remodel their homes. We have a new elder in our district from Moscow who served a few 6 week service missions before he came on his mission; he told us that service is better anyway because people yell at you less and smile at you more. I agree. It's been a pretty uplifting experience to help people in a different way than before. 

One of the people we work with is this cute old man named Rustam. He asked us to come over and help him make dinner. The whole time we were making his dinner he kept telling us, "When you are cooking, you think about nothing else but that food that you are preparing; otherwise, you will suffer." Well, Rustam didn't follow his own advice, and he ended up discussing the history of World War II with us, and the onions burned a little bit. After which Rustam kept telling us, "When you are cooking, you think about nothing else but the food that you are preparing; otherwise, it will punish us like the onions did." So, lesson learned!  Think about nothing else but the food you are preparing otherwise it will punish you. Like our onions did.

Rustam's pretty awesome, though. He's a recent convert and such a sweet old man. He LOVES my companion with all of his heart, and it makes him very sad that she's leaving to go back to America soon. It's pretty cute. He's basically become her adopted grandfather. 

This week was also a little bit of a crazy one... We recieved a call from President Miner (our mission president) that, effective last Saturday, I would be the sister training leader. We had thought that I would become the STL when Sister Kennard left, but I guess not. So, I went up to Mission Leadership Conference in Rostov last Friday, and since then I've been the leader of the sisters in the southern part of the mission. It's been about 3 days, and no one has died so far, so I'd say things are going good. I'm going to ask you all to pray for me since I know that I'm going to need to grow a lot in order to help these sisters out at a time when no one really knows what is going on. It's going to be an adventure. :)

Every volunteer is being given a calling and mine is the Primary Chorister. (S/O to my sister Reej for having the same calling!) We have anywhere from 2-9 kids in primary on a given Sunday, and they are crazy (but adorable!). Wish me luck in helping these kids learn some discipline and reverence. And if you have any ideas for this, please let me know because I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm excited, though. I love kids, and I love how strong the Spirit is with them. Although they can be crazy, they say the wisest things. They're so pure and sweet and so innocent. It's so special that I get to be with them. I'm so grateful. One of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon is 3 Nephi 17 when Jesus blesses the children individually. The whole chapter is so sweet and beautiful as Jesus blesses the Nephite children. It helps me realize what a blessing it's going to be to work with these crazy kids, who are the future of Russia. I hope that in the least bit I can help them. 

Well, that's all for this week! Love you all!

Сестра Джарвис

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