I'm sorry to inform you, but we are currently trying to make sure we catch our train, so my letter this week is going to be a little shorter.
Sister Lisitsina has been introducing me to all the Russian foods my other companions have been too afraid to try. Like:
Halodets! (It's the meat jell-o in the container) It kind of had a weird texture, but the taste was over all pretty good. She said her mom makes it better, though.
We finally took a selfie we both liked. We probably took about 50 before this one.
I played the piano for the branch puppet show.
It was a fun week. Everyday is just hilarious with Sister Lisitsina; she's sassy and spunky. And so helpful! I love being with her.
While we were studying today, I came across one of my favorite scriptures.
And whatsoever they shall spea k when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shal l be the will of the Lord, sha ll be the mind of the Lord, sh all be the word of the Lord, sh all be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salv ation. Behold, this is the pro mise of the Lord unto you, O y e my servants. Wherefore, be o f good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, a nd will stand by you; and ye s hall bear record of me, even J esus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to c ome. (D&C 68:4-5)
I love this scripture because this promise is true for all those who believe in Christ and do His will. I hope that none of us ever forget that when we are about the Lord's work, whether that means street teaching, being a volunteer in Russia, going to school, taking care of our families, being the bishop of a ward, helping the older woman down the street. Whatever it is that we are doing in Jesus's name, He is with us. He will be there, so we never need fear to follow through with what He tells us to do.
I love you all, have a wonderful week!
Sister Jarvis
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